FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions
Below we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions at PLEIN PUBLIQUE. If your question is not among them, please feel free to drop us a line.
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions
In the checkout you can choose whether you want your order delivered by DHL or PostNL. You can also choose a PostNL pick-up point. Belgium In the checkout you can choose whether you want your order delivered by DHL or PostNL.
Option 1: Trade in husband
Option 2: Give sweater away to a child
Option 3: Give your husband our web address and we will arrange the rest with him. And let him read the following blog: https://www.pleinpublique.com/en/blogs/care/hoe-was-je-je-merinowollen-trui-zonder-dat-hij-krimpt
How do I wash my merino wool sweater without it shrinking? Due to popular demand, we are happy to tell you about the suppliers of our wool. Because, critical as you are: the questions have been flying around us lately. And not only about sustainability with regard to our environment and the planet, but also about the welfare of the animal behind the scenes. We have made an extensive answer to it and you can find it here.How can I sign up for the newsletter?
Always, always, always. You can sign up at the bottom of each page.
How can I unsubscribe from the newsletter?
Under every newsletter you will find an unsubscribe link.
Je kan ons het beste bereiken via de e-mail. Zodra we een e-mail van je binnen krijgen, zoeken we gelijk jouw gegevens erbij. Dan kunnen we snel uitgebreid antwoord geven.
Natuurlijk is het ook leuk als je ons wilt bellen natuurlijk! Let wel: PLEIN PUBLIQUE is een enthousiast klein team, dat de hele dag druk bezig is om mooie items aan te kunnen bieden en te kunnen versturen. Om die reden zijn we telefonisch helaas niet altijd direct bereikbaar. Wel doen we ons best om zo goed als we kunnen altijd de telefoon op te nemen :-).
Je kunt ons bereiken via hello[@]pleinpublique.com of via het contactformulier.
Ons telefoonnummer is : +31(0)85-2018680
Send us an email via our contact page and we will answer it as soon as possible.
Lfs, team PP