Skimping is second nature for many Dutch people. But... in reality we only have one nature! Thus we need to take extra good care of it, that is why we invest 1% of our turnover in initiatives that are actively involved in nature conservation and biodiversity. Such as the citizen cooperative that received something extra from "ONS" (you & us) in the form of a donation*.



Land of ours: the name says it all. The landscape around us belongs to all of us. Perhaps not literally our property - probably not the best idea to set everyone loose like that - but in a figurative sense the surrounding landscape is a common good. Well, 'good'... unfortunately things are not going well at all with the nature around us, especially biodiversity leaves much to be desired. Land van Ons believes that this is partly due to the current ecological structure of agricultural land. That has to be different - and it can be different.

Let's give the floor to...

Land van Ons

'Meadows look nice and green but are dead. Time to turn the tide!'


    About 2/3 of our total territory is agricultural land, where the loss of biodiversity is greatest compared to 60 years ago. The main causes are economies of scale, the use of large machines and agricultural poisons. While small-scale agriculture, with a mix of arable farming and livestock farming, provided a great wealth of diverse life. Time to turn the tide.





      By buying land!


      As a cooperative, Land van Ons purchases agricultural land on behalf of the participants, square meter by square meter. Every participant has the same influence in the cooperative, whether you invest €10.000,- or €30,-. Biodiversity and the landscape are being restored on the purchased land.



      • Dutch politics revolves around the short term. Policy reports have been drawn up for decades to make agriculture more nature-friendly, but it has hardly gotten off the ground. Why wait on the sidelines, when together we have the potential to initiate change?
      • Change starts with a sense of responsibility. When something is your property, you take on a different responsibility. You are more involved. You will understand better what is going on. Land van Ons believes that this will lead to behavioral change among citizens. The fact that this idea is catching on is evident from the growth in the number of participants. Land van Ons started in mid-November 2019. At the end of December 2019, there were 700 participants and the count now stands at more than 25.000.

      The red lines?

      • Land van Ons wants to become the basis for a new 'ecological main structure' for agricultural land. A large buffer of responsibly used land that forms the foundation for sustainable biodiversity. Producing food and encouraging life in the countryside do not get in the way of each other. The countryside should be more than a place for wind turbines, distribution centers and solar meadows. Land van Ons wants a small-scale landscape that is as natural as possible instead of production meadows and fields.
      • Together with the farmer, sustainable choices are made about crops, the way of planting, arranging and managing the fields. In this way, more places are created where there is a rich soil life and shelter for all kinds of plants, animals and insects. By providing the fields with trees, hedges and shrubs, our landscape becomes more diverse and you can be amazed by what you see. The nature reserves will automatically benefit from this.


      Long story short: Land van Ons is committed to better biodiversity in both word and deed, and you indirectly help with your purchase from PLEIN PUBLIQUE.


      future proof classics, future proof planet


      *Donation realized via Stichting Voorgrond. This foundation is registered with the tax authorities as ANBI (Public Benefit Organization), which means that we can deduct the donation from our taxes, and Land van Ons does not pay tax on the donation. Hands off, government. Keep them in the soil of your allotments. Also good for biodiversity. :)